Name: Liza
From: Russia, Volzhsky
Studied in: France, Lyon
Studies start: 2019
Grade: Master
Program: Full-time, European and International Business Studies
University: IAE Bayonne
Program satisfaction rate: 5/5
Internship: Found
Job: Still studying
🎓 Application
How did you learn about this program?
Campus France catalogue, Google
Why did you decide to enrol in this program?
My priority was the program’s content and the opportunity to receive a scholarship.
What was your application experience?
There was no interview for admission. The document set was standard: grades, language certificate, CV, motivation letter.
What level of English is required to enter this program?
What level of French is required to enter this program?
The program is 100% in English, so no French was needed.
💡 Your impressions from your study abroad experience
What are your general impressions about this program?
I am very happy with my program. It is very dynamic since every six months are spent in a new location: 1. Campus, 2. Exchange semester, 3. Internship, 4. Campus. My class includes students from over 15 nationalities, which is great for group work because everyone brings their own perspective. I also like that classes are conducted in a dialogue format with professors.
What was the major program value for you?
The program allowed me to see how all parts of a business function—from finance to marketing—and helped me understand what I want to focus on in my future career.
What did you like about this program?
The program’s intensity, the opportunity to see the bigger picture of business, and connections worldwide.
And what didn’t you like?
The schedule was unstable, making it difficult to plan my time and balance studies with work. I never knew in advance when classes would be.
What is the hardest part of studying abroad?
Finding accommodation.
Is this experience different from your experience at your country’s university? If yes, how?
Definitely. Here, teaching involves open dialogue between students and professors, while in Russia, it’s more of a monologue. There’s also the option to choose classes that interest you the most, whereas in Russia, the curriculum is fixed.
How did your typical day look like?
3–4 classes a day, followed by either group meetings or part-time student work.
📌 Useful Resources
If you had questions or issues (studies, language, administration, careers, integration etc), where did you get help/advice?
Foreign students or Google :)
Did you contact other students with a similar experience? Was their experience helpful?
Yes, since everyone faces more or less the same challenges.
💰 Finances
What was the cost of your program? How did you finance your studies?
€4,000 per year. I received a scholarship from the university, which I applied for alongside my university application.
🏠 Accommodation
What was your accommodation experience?
I lived in a shared apartment with a friend in Bayonne. We found it on Airbnb.
How much did you pay for living per month during your studies?
🚀 Career opportunities
Did you do an internship during your studies? How did you find it?
I am currently doing an internship in Marseille, France, during the third semester of my studies. I found this opportunity on fashionjobs.fr.
Did your university help you in this process?
Yes, but it wasn’t very helpful for me since I was looking for opportunities in the fashion industry, while the university mainly offered positions in banking or the public sector.
What was the field of your internship? If you don’t mind please share the remuneration you got.
Commerce and marketing.
Did you find a job after graduation? Which field and how did you find it?
I am still studying.
🌏 Your future plans
What are your plans for the future? Do you plan to stay in the country?
Yes, I plan to stay in France and find a job in marketing within the fashion industry.
What do you like about France? And what not?
Likes: Diverse nature, rich culture, cuisine, healthcare system. Dislikes: Bureaucracy, protests.
Could you give a piece of advice to future students?
I applied twice, so I understand how stressful and intimidating the process can be. My advice is: don’t give up—try, make mistakes, and try again. It’s truly worth it! This experience is invaluable, developing both professional and life skills, building connections worldwide, and opening new horizons. You’ll succeed! Good luck! :)