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Université d'Orléans I Master of Languages, Business and European Management I Study in France

Name: Elena

From: Yekaterinburg, Russia

Studied in: France

Studies start: 2013

Grade: Master

Program: Languages, Business and European Management

University: Université d’Orléans

Program satisfaction rate: 4/5

Internship: Yes

Job: Yes

🎓 Application


How did you learn about this program?

Internet, Campus France, Forums


Why did you decide to enrol in this program?

The language of studies was English (my French was not good enough at that time), the location (not far fom Paris), I watched the videos about studying and living at the campus and liked it a lot. Last but not least - I felt it with my heart that it was the right place to go.

What was your application experience?

I don't remember exactly, as it was looong time ago. I don't think I had any exam, except TOEFL. Well one thing : I appled directly to Master 2, as I wanted to study only one year. They contacted me and suggested to go to Master 1 at first, because the direct enrollment to the second year was not possible without validating the first one. It was OK for me. They proposed me the room in the students' residence directly, so I didn't have problems searching for accommodation.

What level of English is required to enter this program?

TOEFL / IELTS or studying before in English. I don't remember the exact level required, my TOEFL was > 100, so I passed


What level of French is required to enter this program?

No level of French was required, the studying process was organized in English

💡 Your impressions from your study abroad experience

What are your general impressions about this program?

It was a great experience in overall, but it was not difficult to study after Russian universities, I expected it to be more challenging. But as I was working part time during my studies, it was OK for me : I could combine both activities and do not go crazy 😂 We had people from more than 15 countries in our group, so it was a rich exchange and I made a bunch of close friends with whom we still keep in touch and meet each other in different countries. The social life was well organized, the university associations proposed us a lot of events, parties, concerts, trips, discounts etc.

What was the major program value for you?

This program presented a progressive combination of my studying background in Russia ("Translation in the field of international relations" and "Economics and Management"). It was an MBA-type course in the context of international exchanges, aimed to offer students the opportunity to acquire fundamental knowledge in the following disciplines :

- European business environment (European business law, European institutional systems, European economic environment, Internationalization strategy, European legal culture, European accounting systems)

- Management (Organizational theory and labour relations, Project management, Quality control, International banking management, Financial analysis and risk management, Culture staff and management)

- Languages (Business English, Civilisation, French, Intercultural communication)

What did you like about this program?

It covers a big variety of subjects, we had a lot of group projects (from small groups of 2-3 people till big ones, 15-20 people), the teaching staff is highly professional and during the whole studying we were approached to the realms of working in a company.

And what didn’t you like?

Unfortunately we did not have enough classes of French, and my everyday language (classes, communication) was English. I think the University should provide more French classes, especially if they require a 6-month final internship in a French company

What is the hardest part of studying abroad?

For me it was the question of money, because I did not have a scholarship and had to work during my studies. And of course the French beurocracy 🙈

How did your typical day look like?

First year : - Classes mostly in the morning - Distant working for my company in Russia - Studying for the classes

Second year : - Going to work in a hotel - Classes mostly in the afternoon - Meetings with classmates for group projects, preparing presentations

Is this experience different from your experience at your country’s university? If yes, how?

There is no notion of exams with "tickets", which we are used to in Russia. Almost every exam presented an analysis of a case study, or an essay, or some exercises. Sometimes we could have 2 exams in a row in one day andtwo more the next day. Never experienced this in Russia where you usually have some days between each exam.

📌 Useful resources

If you had questions or issues (studies, language, administration, careers, integration etc), where did you get help/advice?

Forums, Facebook, friends, university services

Did you contact other students with a similar experience? Was their experience helpful?

I think before arriving to France I tried to contact some people who already did this program, but they never replied.

Could you recommend websites which might help study abroad?

I do not remember them any more.


What was the cost of your program? How did you finance your studies?

250€ + social security fee / year

🏠 Accommodation

What was your accommodation experience?

I was living in a campus, the university proposed me the room directly, when I was enrolled. I think it costed like 160 € / month back in 2013 and I had a CAF allowance of around 40 €. It was a basic room with the bed, table, chairs, shelves, sink and refrigerator. The shower, toilets and kitchen were common. For the second year I moved to a better residence, to the renovated room with the bathroom inside. I think it costed around 220 € and I had 60-70€ of CAF allowance. I know that renting a studio in the city center at that time costed 300-400 EUR

How much did you pay for living per month during your studies?

I think at that time (2013-2014) 700€ was great, but 400€ was possible too.

🚀 Career opportunities

Did you do an internship during your studies? How did you find it?

My work experience in Russia counted for the first internship. For the second one I was searching in France, but could not find. So I went back to Russia but there I could not find anything either. I went back again to France where my searches eventually brought me to success.

Did your university help you in this process?

They organized some workshops, they regularly shared new positions proposed to the University by different companies.

What was the field of your internship? If you don’t mind please share the remuneration you got.

Digital music distribution. Something around 500-550 € (2015)

Did you find a job after graduation? Which field and how did you find it?

I was proposed a CDD after my internship to finalize the project I was working at.


🌏 Your future plans

What are your plans for the future? Do you plan to stay in the country? 

At the present moment it's been 6 years since I came in France (initially I just wanted to spend 1 year here and come back to Russia). I am not sure if I spend the whole life here, we'll see. I'm applying for a naturalization now, so fingers crossed

What do you like about France? And what not?

It's a subject for a looong speech. My feelings for this country went from love through hateress to realistic approach. Today for me it's the right place to be. Tomorrow : who knows.

Could you give a piece of advice to future students?

Follow your heart and keep your eyes open.


Date: August 2019


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