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École Polytechnique (X) I Master of Innovation Technologies I Study in France

Name: Ekaterina

From:  Moscow, Russia

Studied in: Palaiseau, France

Studies start: 2010

Grade: Master

Program: Innovation Technologies

University: École polytechnique (X)

Program satisfaction rate: 5/5

Internship: Yes

Job: Marketing Study at Air Liquid

🎓 Application


How did you learn about this program?

I won the scholarship proposed by Air Liquid


Why did you decide to enrol in this program?

For International excperience

What was your application experience?

The company (Air Liquid) helped me to go through the applying process. But the most difficult was to write the cover letter (“lettre de motivation “) in French. It’s so funny to reread it now!

What level of English is required to enter this program?

I already had B2 level of French and no English confirmed by certificate


What level of French is required to enter this program?


💡 Your impressions from your study abroad experience

What are your general impressions about this program?

At the beginning it was difficult to understand the teachers. It’s very different from our university style in Russia. Here your professor is easy access person. If you have some troubles you can ask to explain. In X you can even ask to have the “tutor” (often elder student) for some courses who will help you to understand the matter.

What was the major program value for you?

It was great that I can choose only the courses that I thought to be useful for my future! And for sure it helped a lot when I find my job

What did you like about this program?

That you really understand that you will use the information received in the future. For example we had the course for Start up creation, so we organized by group and at the end we proposed the start up idea. For the final presentation our teacher have invited the potential investors! The real guys who were looking for the great ideas!

And what didn’t you like?

Math courses. In our university the Math was not so difficult but here it is the basis of everything, so it was quite hard

What is the hardest part of studying abroad?

Integration in the new society

How did your typical day look like?

8:30-12:00 courses, 12:00-13:30 lunch, 13:30-16:00, courses, 18:00 -19:30 sport (in X you are obliged to be the part of the one sport section).

Is this experience different from your experience at your country’s university? If yes, how?

Yes, the difference are everywhere. Starting from the studying manner and up to campus organization

📌 Useful resources

If you had questions or issues (studies, language, administration, careers, integration etc), where did you get help/advice?

School administrations

Did you contact other students with a similar experience? Was their experience helpful?


Could you recommend websites which might help study abroad?



What was the cost of your program? How did you finance your studies?

It was free for me

🏠 Accommodation

What was your accommodation experience?

School Campus

How much did you pay for living per month during your studies?

In campus of X: 700€

🚀 Career opportunities

Did you do an internship during your studies? How did you find it?

Yes, 2 times in Air Liquid. Because I won the scholarship from the company they proposed the internship

Did your university help you in this process?


What was the field of your internship? If you don’t mind please share the remuneration you got.

It was marketing study The salary was 900€ but it depends on the company. In my current job the intern salary is around 1300-1400€

Did you find a job after graduation? Which field and how did you find it?

Yes, I found it in France. The school name here is most important than your personality (unfortunately).


🌏 Your future plans

What are your plans for the future? Do you plan to stay in the country? 

I plan to stay here

What do you like about France? And what not?

Now,I think I feel myself better here than in my country. Here the country offers you a lot (security, aids, career) but you have to be ready to payback for that (and yes the duties and taxes are huge)

Could you give a piece of advice to future students?

Be ready for the challenge!


Date: February 2019


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